Stable Bar

Wednesday 12-2pm then 6-9pm
Thursday 5-10pm
Sunday 12-5pm

Café Teen

Saturdays 11am-4pm

Francis joined The Farmer’s Arms team in February 2022 in an unconventional move from London to Lowick. It may have been a shock at first, but he’s developed a great appreciation of the local community.

Least favourite thing to make for the pub? Plates. Whilst I don’t mind actually making them, they take up so much space in the workshop during their production.
When you’re not in the workshop? I’ll unashamedly admit to switching off with some real trash TV, interspersed with some high brow, cultured films here ‘n’ there.

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    The Farmer's Arms
    Lowick Green
    Nr Ulverston
    LA12 8DT

    Website by Farm Factory