Deadline for applications Midnight GMT, Sunday November 4th
Budget: £6000 (incl. fee, materials & install) & expenses (details below)
Residency, Build & Install Period: 2 weeks between 13/01/25 – 14/02/25, with project development to happen off site Nov. ’24 – Jan. ’25
More Detail on The Brief: Important Information
Selection Process:
Submission Deadline Midnight GMT, Sunday November 4th 2024
Shortlisting by Wednesday November 13th
Zoom interviews with shortlisted applicants Monday November 18th
Assessment Weighting:
The Farmer’s Arms was rescued from dereliction by Grizedale Arts and community investors and donors during the Covid19 pandemic.The pub tries to be an accessible ‘shop front’ for Grizedale Arts’ longstanding philosophies around ‘useful art’ and the value of applying creativity to every aspect of life – as part of and in service to – society. The hospitality and food side of the operation is designed with the same care that goes into the regular work of a small arts organisation: commissioning artists and designers, hosting volunteers, running learning and education opportunities.
Grizedale Arts has a growing reputation for commissioning and building exceptional small-scale architecture, recently winning the Architect’s Journal 2024 Small Project award with our Cold Food Store at the pub, designed and built with Hayatsu Architects. Other interesting small buildings include the Dragonfly Shed by Murry / Pietrowska and many more at Lawson Park, and a garden shelter by Material Cultures.
At Grizedale Arts’ artists’ residency Lawson Park, we have kept hens and ducks for many years, amidst our large ornamental and productive gardens. We created no dig edibles beds at The Farmer’s Arms within months of taking over the pub in 2021, and have expanded the food production areas to include soft fruit and herbs, maintained largely by participants in our various Gardening Schools. In 2023 we appointed a seasonal Head of Veg, and an experimental soil-less gravel planting, The Ungarden by Karen Guthrie, was installed in the pub car park with support from Cumbria Community Fund. In 2024 DEFRA named the pub as a Bees Need’s Champion for our biodiversity improvement across our 6 acres of former sheep grazing. In 2024 we were awarded funding from the Coronation Orchard Fund to create a new community orchard on our eastern field, which we will start planting on site in winter 2024/25.
This project is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund
Useful Links:
The Poultry Club
The British Hen Welfare Trust
Fresh Start for Hens
Hens in The Garden (Podcast) with Sarah Raven & Arthur Parkinson
How to Apply:
Upload a single design submission PDF here of max. 3 x A4, including:-
We’d like to celebrate the effort put in by all applicants to this opportunity. Please indicate clearly in your application if you are NOT happy for your submission design to be shared in social media, and / or the Grizedale Arts and The Farmer’s Arms websites.
Questions? Email Grizedale Arts director Adam Sutherland here.
*Please get in touch with us if you have access needs you would like to discuss.
**Regrettably, The Farmer’s Arms – a Listed building – cannot offer wheelchair accessible accommodation, or accommodation for those with limited mobility.